
Comida chatarra es Chatarra en tu cuerpo.

Categoría: Pandilla Juvenil (1ro. 2do. y 3ro. de nivel Secundaria)
Área de participación: Medicina y Salud

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Este proyecto tiene como objetivo elaborar un snack con base en pepino y alfalfa que sea saludable y de agradable sabor, buscando reducir el consumo de comida chatarra en la sociedad mexicana propensa a la obesidad por sus malos hábitos alimenticios, (Pilar, Lorda, 2005)

Se utilizó el pepino y la alfalfa como base para el snack por ser alimentos con alto contenido nutrimental como: vitaminas, minerales, hierro y fibra, (Barahoma, 2012)

En forma adicional se realizó el comparativo del costo del snack elaborado versus comida chatarra comúnmente consumidos por niños y adolescentes y generar conciencia en mi comunidad de los beneficios de consumir alimentos nutritivos y los efectos negativos de la comida chatarra en el organismo.

Se realizaron pruebas de percepción dentro del grupo escolar, encontrándose que el producto tiene un sabor agradable y fresco; y en la opinión de los encuestados, puede sustituir a la comida chatarra que comúnmente se consume.

Finalmente encontramos que el ahorro que puede tener una familia mexicana al cambiar el hábito de consumir comida chatarra versus un snack nutritivo equivale a casi 6 salarios mínimos (SMG 73.04), en una quincena.

Pregunta de Investigación

¿Se puede Crear un snack que permita complementar una dieta saludable, con base en vitaminas, minerales, hierro y fibra y que sea barato para el consumidor?

Planteamiento del Problema

¿Elaborar un snack rico y saludable con base en pepino y alfalfa que proporciona vitaminas, minerales, hierro y fibra?


El gasto que genera a las familias mexicanas por los snacks es alto (SMG 73.04.) Al sustituir la comida chatarra por un snack con base en legumbres ricas y saludables se podrá contribuir a comer alimentos nutritivos que favorecen una buena nutrición, y también a cuidar el medio ambiente, ya que las envolturas de la comida chatarra como las de los Cheetos no son biodegradables.


  • Demostrar a mi comunidad que con base en un snack podremos complementar una dieta saludable y ayudar al cuidado del medio ambiente


Al crear un snack saludable podré contribuir a que los niños y jóvenes sustituyan los snack chatarra por saludables, que les proporcionan vitaminas, minerales, hierro  y fibra.


Se podrá elaborar un snack con base en pepino y alfalfa que permita complementar una dieta saludable.

Método (materiales y procedimiento)


  •         Envases desechables.
  •         1 kg. De pepino.
  •         1 kg. De alfalfa.
  •         1 kg. De cacahuate.
  •         400 Gramos de chile Tajín.
  •         1 kg. De limón.
  •         1 Recipiente mediano.
  •         1 Cuchara mediana casera.
  •         1 Balanza.
  •         1 Cuchillo.
  •         1 Desinfectante (Microdyn.)
  •         -Etiquetas con información nutricional de ingredientes utilizados.




Para realizar el snack nutritivo realicé el siguiente procedimiento con ayuda de mis papas:

Empecé por pelar los cacahuates, después pelar el pepino y cortarlo en trozos pequeños posteriormente se desinfecta la alfalfa con Microdyn y se pica. Colocar en el recipiente alfalfa, cacahuate, pepino, exprimir con la mano la mitad de un limón en la mezcla y poner un poco de chile Tajín al gusto mezclar los ingredientes con la cuchara; pesar 30 gramos de nuestro producto y colocarlo en vasos desechables así como pegar una etiqueta con información nutrimental. Por último Degustar el snack.

Galería Método


Por medio de encuestas realizadas, se analizó que el snack es agradable para las personas y saludable, ya que al tener propiedades nutricionales complementa a una dieta saludable.

El costo por el snack es de $9.78 por 100 gramos, comparado con una bolsa de Cheetos de 100 gramos que cuesta $21.00.

El tiempo de duración del snack es de 2 días en el refrigerador, se aconseja tener por separado los ingredientes para prepararlo en el momento.

Galería Resultados


Por medio de las encuestas realizadas a niños y jóvenes, se identificó que el snack podría ser parte de una dieta balanceada en el hogar y escuela, ya que se puede implementar en desayunadores escolares.


Se logró demostrar que con un cambio en nuestra alimentación diaria, podríamos ayudar en tres aspectos importantes de nuestras vidas como lo son salud, economía y medio ambiente. Mi snack es saludable por sus ingredientes, aunque el tiempo de conservación es corto, pero su precio es accesible para la sociedad.


Pilar García Lorda, Josep M. Sánchez, “La alimentación y la nutrición a través de la historia”. México D.F. Editorial Glosa, S.L. 2005.

  1. Heriberto López Cruz. “Somos lo que comemos”. México D.F. Editorial El Faro. 2010.
  2. Peredo, Ricardo, “Biología 2” Esfinge, Tercera Edición, Naucalpan Edo. México, 2000, pp.52-59.
  3. Martínez, Mercedes, Maravillas de la Biología, Pedagógicas, México DF, 1994, pp.83-85.

5. Consulta de Estadísticas: http/

Comida chatarra es Chatarra en tu cuerpo.


This project aims to develop a vegetable and legume based snack that is healthy and palatable, seeking to reduce the consumption of junk food in Mexican society prone to obesity due to their bad eating habits ,. (Pilar García Lorda, Josep M. Sanchez, 2005)

Alfalfa and cucumber were selected as the basic ingredients for the snack on account of their highly nutritional contents such as vitamins, minerals, iron and fiber, (Barahoma Ana, 2012)

Additionally it was made a comparative between cost of snack versus  commonly consumed by children and adolescents junk food, in order to generate awareness about the benefits of consuming nutritious food and the negative effects of junk food in the body.

A perception test was conducted within the school group and it was found that the product has a pleasant and fresh taste; and in the opinion of respondents, it can replace  commonly consumed junk food.

Finally we found that a Mexican family can save up to 6 minimum wages by changing their eating habits replacing junk food by this healthy snack (SMG 73.04), in a fortnight

Research Question

Can you create a snack which would help to supplement a healthy diet, based on vitamins, minerals, iron and fiber and is cheap for the consumer?

Problem approach

Create a snack which would help to supplement a healthy diet, based on vitamins, minerals, iron and fiber.


The expense generated by Mexican families on snacks is high (SMG 73.04.) Replacing junk food with a snack based on tasty and healthy vegetables may contribute to create healthier eating habits, but also, to take care of the environment, as junk food wrappers such as Cheetos are not biodegradable.


Demonstrate that based on a snack my community can supplement a healthy diet and help to take care of the environment.


By creating a healthy snack I can help the children and teenagers, and I will be able to make a contribution in the process of substituting junk food with healthy snacks, which can provide vitamins, minerals, iron and fiber.


It will be possible to develop a snack based on cucumber and alfalfa that would help supplement a healthy diet.

Method (materials and procedure)

Alfalfa: Alfalfa, (Medicago sativa), also called lucerne, is a  flowering plant in the pea family cultivated as an important forage crop in many countries around the world. The name alfalfa is used in North America.

Peanut: (Arachis hypogaea) Herbaceous leguminous plant, about 40 cm height, with yellow flowers and hairy stem. Originated in America, grown in temperate and subtropical weathers. Its fruit is grown underground and is conformed by a breakable thickened pod with two or three oleaginous seeds inside, the ones that are toasted and eaten as sweeties. Its oil is used to prepare margarine, soap, lubricants, and beauty products.

Cucumber: The cucumber is the fruit of the plant ”Cucumis Sativus”, originary from India, it has a thin-long shape and it is green- colored on its outside, its fruit pulp is white and has a great amount of oval-shaped seeds in all its inside.

This vegetable contains a 97% of water, the nutrients that it includes are: Potassium, calcium, vitamins A, B and C and folic acid. It also includes vegetal fiber and silicon.

Chili powder:  Chili powder (also powdered chili, chile powder or chilli powder) is the dried, pulverized fruit of one of the many varieties of chilli pepper, sometimes with the addition of other spices (also sometimes known as chili powder blend). It is used as a spice to add pungency or piquancy and flavor to dishes.

Disinfectants (microdyn):

Disinfectants are antimicrobial agents that are applied to non-living objects to destroy microorganisms that are living on them. Disinfection does not necessarily kill all microorganisms, especially resistant bacterial spores.

Lemon: The  yellow fruit is used for culinary and non-culinary purposes throughout the world, mainly for its juice, which has both culinary and cleaning uses.


The present Project has the objective to demonstrate to my community that we can develop snacks that can be part of a healthy nourishment. Due to the ingredients, the person who consumes it will acquire nutrients.


  • Disposable containers.
  • 1 kg. cucumber.
  • 1 kg. alfalfa.
  • 1 kg. peanut.
  • 400 grams of Tajin chilli.
  • 1 kg. lemon.
  • 1 medium size bowl.
  • 1 medium size spoon.
  • 1 weighing scale
  • 1 knife.
  • 1 disinfectant (Microdyn.)
  • labels with nutritional information about the used ingredients.


With the help of my parents I used the

next procedure for making  this healthy snack :

I started by peeling the peanuts, then I peeled the cucumber and cut it in little pieces after that I disinfected the alfafa with Microdyn and cut it.

In a bowl add alfalfa, peanuts, cucumber, and    squeeze with your hand the half of a lemon,  and add a little of chili Tajín as you wish,

Mix the ingredients with a spoon, weight 30 grams of our product and place it in disposable cups, and paste a label with the nutritional information. Finally enjoy the snack.


Through surveys, I realized that the snack taste is pleasant to people, and is healthy, since it has nutritional value, it complements a healthy diet.

The cost of the snack is $ 9.78 per 100 grams, compared with a bag of Cheetos 100 grams which costs $21.00.

The life period of this snack is 2 days in the refrigerator, and it is advisable to store the ingredients separately to prepare it at the time.


Surveys applied to children and teenagers concluded that the snack could be part of a balanced diet at home and school, considering it can be given as breakfast in some schools  or  just as a snack for collation.



We achieved to demonstrate that with a little change in our daily diet, we could improve three main aspects of our lives such as health, economy and environment. My snack is healthy due to its ingredients, even when the shelf life is short, its price is affordable to society.
